Checking In Procedures
Conference Housing guests need to check in at the Conference Housing Service Desk. Conference guests are advised of their check-in time and location in their confirmation letter. Note: storage space is limited and guest baggage cannot be accommodated before check-in unless previously arranged.
Segundo Area Check-In
The Segundo Service Desk is located on the first floor of the Segundo Services Center (SSC). Main entry into the SSC is from the east; the Service Desk is located immediately inside the entrance.
View the Segundo Area Check-In Map and Directions (pdf) for more information.
Tercero Area Check-In
The Tercero Service Desk is located on the first floor of the Tercero Services Center (TSC). Main entry into the TSC is from the south: pass through the breezeway, then enter through a second set of doors. The Service Desk is located immediately inside the entrance.
View the Tercero Area Check-In Map and Directions (pdf) for more information.
Cuarto Area Check-In
The Yosemite Service Desk is located on the first floor of Yosemite Hall. Main entry into Yosemite Hall is from the north: from Oxford Circle, enter through the main door. The Service Desk is located immediately inside the entrance, on the right side of the room.
View the Cuarto Area Check-In Map and Directions (pdf) for more information.
Checking Out Procedures
- Dispose of excess mess in room or suite
- Dispose of any items in the Refrigerator/Microwave.
- Return furniture to original place
- Check out at 9:00 AM to avoid late check-out fees
- Upon check out visit the area conference desk to return keys
- Report any damages or lost keys before or at time of check-out
A checkout time of 9:00 AM has been established for all guests in order to allow time to prepare for new conference arrivals. A late fee will be assessed for guests failing to check out by their designated checkout time. Guests are asked to turn off air conditioning & lights, lock their room doors, and return room keys/key card to the conference housing desk before checking out. Arrangements must be made in advance if luggage storage will be needed; limited space is available. There is no charge for this service as space is not guaranteed. Guests departing before 7:00am should make arrangements with the desk staff the previous day.